Ed's "Art"
Hidden Data Ed

Result of my obsession with Naruto...the first design from the "Hidden Data Village"

Media: Paper, PSP

Santa Ed

I think the santa suit looks pretty cool...and this has way better shading than the "Hidden Data Ed"

I was gonna go with green hair...but the platinum hair fits the santa theme better....

Media: Paper, PSP

Hidden Data Jimmy

A quick sketch of Jimmy (well technically you cant even tell it's Jimmy because he has no face...) as a Hidden Data shinobi. This is probably my first decent sketch done entirely on the computer...earlier attempts came out pixely...I didnt even think about increasing the resolution...I'm so stupid...

Media: PSP, Photoshop


A sort of tribute to my childhood...
Combatron was a Filipino comic book character loosely based on Megaman (in terms of color scheme and a robot dog companion).

Media: Paper, Illustrator, Photoshop



Links: Save Us/Death by [Blank]